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Showing List for: Health Care - Facilities


Short Title

Last Action

 HB1018 J.D. McCarty Center; appropriation; purpose; process; budgetary procedures; limitation; effective date.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 HB1020 Oklahoma State University Medical Center; appropriation; purpose; process; budgetary procedures; effective date.       REF TO APPROP (H)

 HB1284 Pharmacies; authorizing prescription delivery to certain facilities; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB1620 Public health; directing State Board of Health to promulgate rules requiring certain dementia training; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB1701 Public health and safety; providing that certain lien be for amount of assistance from date individual received compensated care at nursing facility; certain date; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB1716 Public health; requiring certain residents in long-term care facilities to have a pharmacogenomics profile conducted; specifying content of profile; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB1805 Public health and safety; prohibiting the practice of surgical technology or surgical first assisting in a health care facility unless certain requirements are met; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB2216 Insurance; requiring contracted hospital or inpatient facility to provide certain notice to enrollee; notice, estimate and disclosure by noncontracted providers; effective date.       REF TO RETIRE (S)

 SB229 Mental health treatment; deleting certain age limitation for certain treatment. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB30 State Department of Health; pregnancy assistance; directing Department to publish certain information online. Effective date. Emergency.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB719 State Department of Health; increasing certain fees and modifying calculations. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB726 Telemedicine; providing standards for delivery of services. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB740 State Department of Health; increasing certain fees. Effective date.       REC CR DP AP-HEALT (S)

 SB757 Hospitals; requiring disclosure of certain information. Effective date.       REF TO PUBHLTH (H)

 SB774 Residential Care Act; applications for licensure; inspections and investigations. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB775 Nursing facilities; requiring facilities to have emergency generators. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB811 Mental health; Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services Act; modifying definition of transitional living facility. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB814 Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund; requiring prioritization for certain procedures. Effective date.       REF TO HEALTH (S)

 SB816 Residency programs; specifying priority for considerations. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 SB819 Oklahoma Health Care Authority; homestead liens; modifying names of certain entities. Effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105